According to the most recent survey done by the National Association of Realtors, 90% of homebuyers search for their home online. But, there is something to be said about actually going to see homes and checking them out in person.
Open houses are a great resource for homebuyers. If you’re searching online using specific criteria, you may never realize there are homes just barely outside your search criteria that could be perfect for you! (Let’s say you’re searching for homes with at least 3000 square feet online, and you pop into an open house that happens to have 2978 square feet. Or it could be slightly out of your price range, but within an amount that you could still afford with some of the great loan programs that are available today and today’s low interest rates. You wouldn’t have ever seen these homes with your online search criteria, and one might just be the one!)
So, come on out tomorrow and check out an open house (It is National Open House weekend, after all!) Get an up-close-and-personal look at the homes you see online and perhaps discover some new great choices for you! Use this link to search for all Austin open houses and make a list!
Team Ensor will have two great open houses for you: 4229 Fairmeadow Drive in Round Rock and 5207 Maulding Pass in Southwest Austin!
We hope to see you there!