Here in Texas, we love our cars. Many of us practically live in them, as we drive from home to work to school and many other places each and every day. However, some of us don’t love the time spent sitting in traffic and at red lights, or the feeling of isolation that sometimes occurs in suburban neighborhoods that are nearly deserted during the weekdays when everyone is off at work.
Add to this the green movement that is gaining momentum as communities become more socially conscious of their impact on the earth, and what we get is neighborhoods growing out of the new urbanism movement. Mueller is a great example of new urbanism.
What is New Urbanism?
It’s a lot of things, but in a nutshell it’s a way of life that doesn’t involve getting in your car, because everything you could possibly need or want is within a short walk from where you live. The streets and sidewalks are scenic and pedestrian-friendly. Retail shops are mixed with commercial, office and residential structures. There are green spaces, pools and playgrounds, and all are built around a town center concept. Neighborliness, community self-sustainability and green building are promoted in the architecture and design of the neighborhood. This is what Mueller in East Austin offers.
Home Affordability Program
In addition, Mueller’s developers, along with other foundations, have created a Home Affordability Program which allows qualified individuals who might otherwise be unable to afford to live here the opportunity to own a home in Mueller. The use of green building, which is being incorporated in everything from infrastructure to housing, also promotes affordability through lower utility and energy bills.
Walkability is key also, which Mueller offers in spades with Dell Children’s Hospital, the impending arrival of the Austin Children’s Museum, and what is rumored to become a full-service HEB fashioned after its Central Market Design.
What’s Selling In Mueller
The homes that are selling in Mueller right now range from about 1800 square feet up to 3600 square feet and are priced from the mid $300’s to $900,000. Builders in the neighborhood include David Weekly Homes, Standard Pacific and Muskin. One of the most outstanding and innovative builders in Mueller is locally-based Streetman Homes, which year after year has garnered impressive awards including Best Green Builder and Best Product Design. Their model home at 2300 Tom Miller Drive should be included in any tour of the area. It’s energy-efficient, gorgeous, creatively designed, and very unique.
The next time you’re sitting in traffic along I35 North near the Airport Road exit, take a detour to Mueller and spend a little time strolling the greenbelt that surrounds the development and was designed and is currently maintained by the Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center. Also don’t miss the still-standing and soon to be restored control tower, and one of the original wood hangars in place from its airport days.
Mueller Development, shaping up to be one of the most vibrant and progressive urban village concept communities that Central Texas real estate has to offer, is a must-see for any newcomer to the area or current Austin suburbanite looking for a place closer to town.